Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Chapter 5...Part 7

They headed north again. They finally reached the cold of North Carolina. It had been such a nice change to be where it was warm. Florida was so nice compared to North Carolina. They were back where it was cold again.

The first day back they went to Candy’s house. She fed them and they had a nice chat. This was when they met Candy’s daughter Kathy. Kathy and the guest got along very well. He told her he would like her to join the office team with her mother and the girl. They talked about the charity work that the guest said he did with horses. Kathy told the guest that she had a friend, Melanie, that had a horse in need of rescuing. It was decided that they would go look at the horse the next day.

Sam, the guest, and the girl went back to the truck for the night. Then they went back to Candy’s house the next day. The girl stayed at Candy’s house to do research and type up notes while the guest, Sam and Kathy went to see the horse.

When they all got back the guest told the girl to go look out back, he had brought her a present. She just knew it was a dog. The guest had been telling her he wanted a puppy for months. She had told him that they could not have one until they were stable. How were they going to take care of a dog on the truck?

The girl went to the back door and looked out. Yes, indeed there was a dog back there. She was so irritated with the guest that she didn’t even know what to think. She went outside to see him. Yes, he was really cute but he was still a puppy and she could just tell he was going to be big. She didn’t know what he was but he looked like he definitely had german shepherd in him.

The guest came over to her and told her that he was now hers and she needed to give him a name. She was so upset with him and told him. He told her that he was being starved and mis-treated so he HAD to bring him home. He did look thin but she was so stressed. They couldn’t take care of themselves, how would they take care of a dog too?

Candy was really nice. She took the girl to the store and bought dog food and human food for those on the truck. The girl was surprised at the generosity of Candy. She felt really bad too because so far Candy had not been paid and she was not sure when they would all get paid.

The 4 of them went back to the truck. From then on the puppy was the girl’s responsibility. She named him Orion. The name just came to her. She was the one who cleaned up after him, fed him, watered him, walked him (in the freezing cold). The only time the guest did anything with Orion was when he was really in trouble and when he snuck him Chee-tos. Of course from day 1 they agreed not to give him human food and of course the guest just had to break the rules. They also agreed Orion would not get on the bed but if the girl was still asleep when the guest got up in the morning, he would have Orion get on the bed. After that the girl was always fighting to keep him off the bed.

They lived this way for the next few days.

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